Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Not there yet!

We are still settling in. As always the sewing room gets all of the things that need to be dealt with, either unpacked,  disposed of, put away to a yet to be determined space or decided upon.
I am trying to make a decision about whether I want shelves or a design wall on the one open wall. I am leaning toward shelves and thinking over the options for a  portable design wall. I have  several design boards that I use that I can stow away when they are not in use.

I have some things in the sewing room that were not there before. the blue chair ended up there when the movers brought it in and it will not be staying, it may go to another room or it may go out the door. The narrow chest in the corner was in the sewing room before and holds odds and ends of sewing supplies like freezer paper and fusible web and other general supplies.  The green cabinet is 30" W x 23" D x 80" tall; Jack built it for me a long time ago before I started quilting,for craft supplies. Over the years it has held various things, most recently, it was in the living room and had season and occasionally used table ware, vases, seasonal decorations etc.  It is staying in the sewing room and holds Christmas dishes, quilts and things waiting for shelves. The Christmas dishes will stay, I think I will keep the quilts that are not wall hangings where they are. I plan to use one shelf for kids games. The closet in the room where the grand kids sleep when they visit is completely full of toys and games. the games that I have that are not duplicates can stay in the cabinet, along with kids craft items that they always used, when they visited. I am sure I will be seeing more of them from now on.
So.... no sewing yet, but soon. I don't want to start working on anything until I find a permanent place for most things. In the mean time I have not abandoned my blog but I have no quilting photos to post.
We are making progress, a little every day.

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